
Québec’s nordic wealths

AgroBoreal cluster aims to be recognised as acompetencies pole for production, transformation and marketing of nordic products.

AgroBoreal cluster includes a high concentration of companies in PRODUCTION and TRANSFORMATION of products from boreal terroir. Those enterprises take advantage of a closed skills network which favours MARKETING, INNOVATION, and COLLABORATIONS with a view to ADDING VALUE to Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean biofood industry.

Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean is a northern region in Québec that presents specific geographic and climatic conditions typical of a northern environment. These conditions influence agricultural productions and the characteristics of bio-food products. GeoPurity and Geovitality permit a better understanding of the manner by which northern products can differentiate themselves.


A protected nature

Geographical isolation and harsh climatic conditions provide a natural protection against some pests and diseases. This favours the practice of an agriculture that is respectful of the environment and of healthier productions.


An adapted nature

Many plants are adapted to the northern climate. They are endowed with certain properties beneficial for their cultivation, our food and animals’ feeds.



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